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EtherNet/IP exclicit messaging

  • Beckx-net - 2016-08-26

    Hello together,

    I am trying to communicate with an EtherNet/IP device via explicit messaging. I found the EtherNet/IP Services library which makes it's possible. It works perfectly for the standard services Set/Get Attribute Single/All. The problem is, that my EIP device implements a vendor specific profile with service code 0x32. Is there a possibility to access class/Attribute/Instance with this service specific code?

    Best Regards

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-09-21


    In SP9 Patch 3 and SP10 is going to be a new FB named Gernic_Service to the EtherNet/IP Services Library, which will fullfill your needs,
    See screenshots.
    If you need preliminary version for testing only, please contact the support via email.

    IMG: GenericService.jpg

  • Beckx-net - 2016-09-23


    thank you very much for your support.


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